Research Interests / 研究内容 |
We are aiming to develop skills of high-resolution physical oceanographic
observation in many coastal seas around Japan, especially in the areas
where high-resolution surveys using CTD and ADCP have not been made yet.
研究所が立地する東北沿岸をはじめとして、駿河湾、厚岸湾、常磐沖などで、これまでにない高密度な物理観測を実践しています。 |
Tohoku Region / 東北地方(大槌湾や釜石湾など) |
Summer circulation in Otsuchi Bay
夏季の大槌湾の海洋循環 |
Monitoring system in Otsuchi Bay
大槌湾のリアルタイムモニタリングシステム |
[ Representative Papers / 論文]
- Tanaka, K. et al. (2017): Baroclinic circulation and its high frequency variability in Otsuchi
Bay on the Sanriku ria coast, Japan. Journal of Oceanography 73 25-38.
[ Abridged Editions / 抄訳]
Numerical simulation of Sakura shrimp eggs in Suruga Bay
駿河湾のサクラエビ卵に見立てた標識粒子の追跡シミュレーション |
Drifting buoy in Suruga Bay
駿河湾での漂流ブイ観測 |
[ Representative Papers / 論文]
- Tanaka, K. et al. (2011): A numerical study on the transport of eggs and larvae of Sergia lucens
in Suruga Bay, Japan. Fisheries Oceanography 20 206-218.
- Tanaka, K. et al. (2009): Spreading of river water in Suruga Bay. Journal of Oceanography 65 165-177.
- Tanaka, K. et al. (2008): Numerical experiments on wind-driven circulations and associated transport
processes in Suruga Bay. Journal of Oceanography 64 93-102.
[ Abridged Editions / 抄訳]
Tidal circulation in Akkeshi Bay
厚岸湾の潮流循環 |
Mooring of observation instruments in Akkeshi Bay
厚岸湾での係留観測 |
[ Representative Papers / 論文]
In preparation
[ Abridged Editions / 抄訳]
In preparation |
Linkage between sea and land through rivers off the Joban coast
常磐沖の陸−川−海のリンケージ |
[ Representative Papers / 論文]
- Tanaka, K. et al. (2022): Spread of Fukushima-derived radiocesium over the coastal ocean in response
to typhoon-induced flooding in September 2011. Limnology and Oceanography 67 1184-1193.
[ Abridged Editions / 抄訳]