Kaeriyama M and Qin Y. 2014. Biological interactions between wild and hatchery-produced Pacific salmon. In: Salmon (edits: Woo PTK and Noakes DJ) pp. 223-238. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
学術論文 (審査あり)
Qin, Y. and Kaeriyama, M. (2016) Feeding habits and trophic levels of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchusspp.) in the North Pacific Ocean. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin, 6, 469-481.
Ueno, H., Kaeriyama,M., Otani, OE, Qin, Y, Aita, MN, Yoon, S. and Kishi, MJ. (2016) Temporal and spatial variation in a growth condition of Pacific salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin, 6, 181-187.
帰山雅秀・秦玉雪. 2014. 気候変動とサケ資源. 北日本漁業, 42: 1-11.
Kaeriyama M, Seo H, and Qin Y. 2014. Effect of global warming on the life history and population dynamics of Japanese chum salmon. Fisheries Science 80: 251-260.
Koshino Y, Kudo H and Kaeriyama M (2013) Stable isotope evidence indicates the incorporation of marine-derived nutrients transported by spawning Pacific salmon to Japanese catchments. Freshwat. Biol., 58: 1864-1877.
Kaeriyama M, Seo H, Kudo H and Nagata M (2012) Perspectives on wild and hatchery salmon interactions at sea, potential climate effects on Japanese chum salmon, and the need for sustainable salmon fishery management reform in Japan. Environ. Biol. Fish., 94, 165-177.
Kaeriyama M. 2018. Impact of the global warming on migration route of Japanese chum salmon. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea and polar oceans 2018:270-272.
Kaeriyama, M. (2017) Ecosystem-based sustainability science of Pacific salmon and paradigm shift of fisheries education. Morioka Salmon Workshop Report, 109-112
Kaeriyama M, Seo H, and Qin Y. 2015. [招待講演] Risk management based on the backcasting approach for conserving Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and their ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean under the changing climate. NPAFC International Symposium on Pacific Salmon Steelhead Production in a Changing Climate: Past,
Kaeriyama M and Qin Y. 2014. [招待講演] Current situation and future perspectives on the fisheries in Japan: Toward the global sustainable fisheries management based on the ocean ecosystem approach. Symposium on Common Challenges and Opportunities for Global Fisheries: An International Perspective in the 144th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society (Quebec, 2014/08/18).
Kaeriyama M, Seo H, Qin Y, and Kim H. 2014. Effect of global warming on the life history and population dynamics Japanese chum salmon. PICES-2014 Program and Abstracts, p. 70. (Yeosu, Korea).
Qin Y and Kaeriyama M. 2014. Spatial-temporal variation in feeding pattern and trophic position of Pacific salmon in the North Pacific Ocean. PICES-2014 Program and Abstracts, p. 152. (Yeosu, Korea).
Qin Y and Kaeriyama M. 2014. New method for making the decision of trophic position of Pacific salmon based on stomach contents survey and stable isotope analysis. PICES-2014 Program and Abstracts, p. 192. (Yeosu, Korea).
Ueno H, Otani M, Noguchi-Aita M, Kishi MJ, and Kaeriyama M. 2014. Temporal and spatial variation in growth factors of Pacific salmon. PICES-2014 Program and Abstracts, p. 209. (Yeosu, Korea).